ARISS SSTV Image Submission

We've placed some restrictions on the upload of SSTV images:

  • Only gif, jpg, and png files are allowed.
  • The maximum file size is 800 kBytes.
  • Images are limited to 800x800 pixels.
  • Please submit only "clean" images with no added callsigns or other text.

We may not be able to display every image because of quality or duplication.

Please fill in the demographic data as completely as possible. We supply anonymized reports to the international space agencies that sponsor ARISS on board the ISS. Your participation is very important in assuring a place for ham radio in human spaceflight!

On a subsequent page you will be offered the option of signing up to receive a personalized award certificate for this campaign via email. The name and callsign you give below will be displayed on the certificate. The certificate will be mailed to the email address you supply below.

Name: to be displayed on the gallery.

Callsign: Please put SWL if you have no callsign.
Fram2Ham unique team ID: Please leave blank unless you are a registered team in the competition.
Email address: We won't release this information. Necessary to send the prize.
Your general location:
Detailed location (Lat&Long, Address, or grid square):
Date you captured the image from the ISS:
UTC time you captured the image: :
Image file:

ARISS hardware manager Lou McFadin, W5DID, is asking for help characterizing the signal from the ISS. He requests that you submit signal strength, AOS, LOS, antenna gain, preamp gain, estimated cable loss, and FM sensitivity ( microvolts or dBm) of your radio. The location information you submit should be latitude and longitude, please. Thank you very much for helping our efforts to support and improve the amateur radio capabilities on board the ISS.

By submitting this information you agree to the terms and conditions

Return to the main gallery page.

If you have problems or questions you may email the webmaster.