November 29: Students, ages 6 to 17, at Colegio Pumahue Temuco in Temuco, Chile held an ARISS radio contact with Raja Chari who answered their questions. This contact played to a social-distanced live audience of 495 people and livestream viewers numbered 401. Within 2 days 2,400 people had watched the recording. Media on hand for the event were Radio Bío-Bio, Radio Mirador, Canal 13, TVN, Mega, CNN–Chile, Diario Austral and Diario El Mercurio. A Chilean spectator said, “Everyone watching was surprised of the impact this activity had on the students. It was a tidal wave of emotions for everyone.” The teaching staff had integrated space science and ISS topics into curricula for all grades. Primary and secondary students learned about radio communication and its practical applications and antenna building as a science course activity.
November 20: The Sparta Independent, a newspaper in Sparta, NJ featured recent STEM activities at Sussex County (NJ) Charter School for Technology. The article covered the school’s upcoming ARISS contact and outstanding efforts of area ham radio operators in educating students on radio technology and space communications. The reporter informed area schools how they might submit an ARISS education proposal to possibly host their own ARISS contact school.
December 1-2: The Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) had cosmonauts downlink images for a new SSTV session. 440 ham radio operators and shortwave enthusiasts engaged in the activity, downloading 1,023 images that have been posted on the ARISS SSTV Gallery at:
November 29: The ARISS-Russia team led the program, About Gagarin from Space for students at Amur State University in Blagoveshchensk, Russia. The program included conducting a successful ARISS contact for students with Cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov.
Facebook November 2021

ARISS Facebook: As of November 30, 2021, ARISS Facebook followers totaled 7,094, a slight increase over October.
ARISS Twitter: As of November 30, 2021, ARISS Twitter followers totaled 15,567, a gain of close to 1% over October.
ARISS Instagram: As of November 30, 2021, ARISS Instagram followers totaled 366, a gain of 3% over October.
ARISS YouTube: As of November 30, 2021, ARISS YouTube Channel subscribers totaled 1.58k, a slight gain over October.
November Highest Performing ARISS Facebook Post—posted on the 19th
This popular ARISS Facebook post featured an upcoming SSTV session; the post garnered 6,836 Reaches and 650 Engagements.
ARISS Upcoming Events
Dec 7 South West State University, Kursk, Russia, ARISS-Russia team
Dec 9 Notre Dame Jogakuin Junior and Senior High School, Kyoto, Japan, ARISS-Japan team
Dec 10 DLR School Lab Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, ARISS-Europe team
Dec 13 Wolfgang-Kubelka-Realschule, Schondorf am Ammersee, Germany, ARISS-Europe team
Dec 16 Technisches Bildungszentrum Mitte & Carl Prueter Obserschule, Germany, ARISS-Europe team