March 28-31: In four days’ time, the ARISS-Russia team sponsored ARISS radio contacts at:
- Aznakaevo School, Republic of Tatarstan
- International Aerospace School, Ufa
- Lipetsk Regional Public Organization, Lipetsk
- Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk
Two of the contacts were tied to the ARISS-Russia educational program called “About Gagarin from Space.” Sergey Kud-Sverchkov supported the first of the four radio contacts with students of the Aznakaevo School. Sergey Ryzhikov handled the second radio contact for students at the International Aerospace School. The third contact, hosted by Ust-Ivanovka Amurskaya school of Amur State University, had Sergey Ryzhikov speaking over the radio with students. Sergey Kud-Sverchkov talked with the Lipetsk Regional Public Organization of Radio Sportsmen.
March 20: Two students at Bishop O’Connell High School in Arlington, VA gave a presentation at the school’s amateur radio club meeting to invite more students to become members of the club. The two students talked about a new AMSAT CubeSat Simulator received by their teacher Melissa Pore, an ARISS-US Education Committee member. The youth explained the CubeSat payload’s new and interesting aspects and how they’ll engage in hands-on activity with it. Also, Pore’s students were highlighted in the April edition of Virginia Living regarding the TI Codes competition hosted by Texas Instruments and NASA; students designed an astronaut pillow that among other things, had a CO2 sensor and a micro fan to circulate air near an astronaut’s face.
March 31: An article titled “ARISS, The Most Engaging STEAM Proposal: Amateur Radio Activity from the Space Station” written by ARISS Italia volunteer Micol Ivancic appears in the March 2021 edition of Radio Rivista. This is the official monthly publication of the Associazione Radiotecnica Italiana (ARI), the national amateur radio society in Italy. The three-page article covers ARISS operations and schools’ ARISS STEAM activities. Italian teachers can request free copies of the magazine for their schools.
Social Media
Facebook – March 2021

*Higher Reaches–posts about the result of the EVA to re-install the original ARISS cable and also an upcoming ARISS school contact
Facebook Impressions for the quarter (January-March) totaled 62,277.
As of March 31, 2021, ARISS Twitter followers totaled 14,530, a slight gain over February. Impressions for the quarter (January-March) totaled 257,290.
As of March 31, 2021, Instagram followers increased to 297, an increase of over 3% from February.
YouTube Members:
As of March 31, YouTube members totaled over 1,300. In January, the total was a little over 800.
ARISS Web Unique Pageviews:
In March ARISS Web Unique Pageviews totaled 43,329, an increase of over 3,000 from February.
Upcoming Events
April 6 Sch of Information Tech & Math, Mawson Lakes Au, ARISS contact, ARISS-Japan team