January 28, 2021 - I sent this e-mail to our ARISS team today. I felt it is important that you see this too. ARISS will get through this issue. And, as you can see, we have some work arounds to keep our school contacts moving forward. For those that do not know radio shortcuts—73 is … Continue reading ARISS Operations Situation
ARISS Weekly Status Report – 01/25/2021
January 13: The Shigagakuen Junior & Senior High School in Higashioumi, Japan hosted an ARISS contact for students to take part in a Q&A session with Shannon Walker. On site were 60 people social distancing and the school livestreamed the action for more students to participant. The online audience totaled 355. The event began with … Continue reading ARISS Weekly Status Report – 01/25/2021
7 US Schools Moved Forward in ARISS Selection Process
January 7, 2021 - Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is pleased to announce the schools/host organizations selected for the July-December 2021 contact window. A total of 7 of the submitted proposals during the recent proposal window have been accepted to move forward in the processes of planning to host a scheduled amateur … Continue reading 7 US Schools Moved Forward in ARISS Selection Process
Celebrating the First ARISS School Contact: Luther Burbank School, Burbank, Illinois USA December 21, 2000
December 21, 2020—Twenty years ago today, fourteen students at the Luther Burbank School, in Burbank, Illinois USA stepped up to the microphone, held by ARISS mentor Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, and made history. When it was all over, the ARISS team conducted its first ever ISS school contact, enabling students at Luther Burbank to ask ISS … Continue reading Celebrating the First ARISS School Contact: Luther Burbank School, Burbank, Illinois USA December 21, 2000
ARISS: Celebrating 20 Years of Continuous Operations on ISS!!
November 13, 2020—Twenty years ago today, the Expedition-1 crew turned on the ARISS Ericsson radio for the first time and completed several contacts with ARISS ground stations around the world to validate the radio communications system. These inaugural contacts launched an incredible two-decade operations journey on ISS, enabling ARISS to inspire, engage and educate our … Continue reading ARISS: Celebrating 20 Years of Continuous Operations on ISS!!
Happy 20th Anniversary ISS!!
November 2, 2020—Today represents the 20th anniversary of continuous crew operations on the ISS. On behalf of the ARISS International Team, we would like to extend 20th Anniversary Greetings to all five ISS space agencies (NASA, Roscosmos, ESA, CSA and JAXA), to all the astronauts, cosmonauts, and private explorers that visited or had extended stays … Continue reading Happy 20th Anniversary ISS!!
First Element of ARISS Next Generation (Next-Gen) Radio System Installed in ISS Columbus Module
September 2, 2020—The ARISS team is pleased to announce that set up and installation of the first element of our next generation radio system was completed and amateur radio operations with it are now underway. This first element, dubbed the InterOperable Radio System (IORS), was installed in the International Space Station Columbus module. The IORS … Continue reading First Element of ARISS Next Generation (Next-Gen) Radio System Installed in ISS Columbus Module
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Team in the United States Creates a New Organization: ARISS-USA
ARISS-USA is now the US-based organization connecting students with astronauts in space. Towson, Maryland –June 4, 2020 In late May, the USA team of the ARISS International working group became an incorporated non-profit entity in the state of Maryland, officially becoming ARISS-USA. This move allows ARISS-USA to work as an independent organization, soliciting grants and donations. … Continue reading Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Team in the United States Creates a New Organization: ARISS-USA
ARISS Weekly Status Report – 01/18/2021
January 11: ARISS-US Education Committee member Neil Rapp won the national 2021 Carole Perry Educator of the Year Award. For 19 years, he has sponsored the Bloomington High School South Ham Radio Club while teaching science at this school in Bloomington, IN. In past years, he garnered the ARRL Professional Educator of the Year Award and … Continue reading ARISS Weekly Status Report – 01/18/2021
ARISS Weekly Status Report – 01/11/2021
January 6: Students from 25 schools on a number of Galapagos Islands were involved in an ARISS contact hosted by the Oswaldo Guayasamín School of Basic Education in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador. Victor Glover answered 11 questions from the schools’ students who were joined in online from home through an ARISS ground station … Continue reading ARISS Weekly Status Report – 01/11/2021