August 3: A student of ARISS educator Joanne Michael won an AIAA Kahn $10,000 scholarship. Joanne taught him hands-on science in kindergarten through 5th grade at Meadows Elementary in the Manhattan Beach Unified School District. The young man is now enrolled at Stanford University. He wrote, “I love finding out the mechanics of any device and gaining knowledge by hands-on experience. I cannot stand not knowing what lies beyond our reach in the universe. My goal is to take part in the Mars colonization plans as an engineer astronaut and help advance the astronautical-engineering world.”
August 6-7: Cosmonauts put into action the Moscow Aviation Institute’s Slow Scan TV (SSTV) session. The crew downlinked images for certain hours each day, attracting worldwide radio enthusiasts, space enthusiasts, shortwave listeners, educators, and youth. They (554 individuals) downloaded and posted 1,701 images to the ARISS SSTV Gallery at:
July 28: Melissa Pore gave a noon-time talk to NASA SCaN Summer Interns on STEM activities that inspire her in her teaching. These include among other things, leading students in building satellites and ARISS.
ARISS Social Media
Facebook – July 2021

Twitter: On July 31, 2021, ARISS Twitter followers totaled 15,093, a gain of nearly 1% over June.
Instagram: As of July 31, 2021, Instagram Followers now total 342.
YouTube: As of July 31, 2021, YouTube subscribers topped 1,540.
ARISS Web Unique Pageviews: 37,073 in July.
Upcoming Events
- To be re-scheduled Notre Dame Jogakuin Jr Sr H.S., Kyoto, Japan ARISS contact ARISS-Japan team
- Aug 11 1st Ono Grp Hyogo Council Scout Assn, Ono, Japan ARISS contact ARISS-Japan team